On Tuesday, Himanshu Pandya at Financial Nirvana informed us that alternative energy companies were taking advantage of the recent run with stock offerings. As pointed out by Himanshu, shareholders don’t currently seem to care too much about value dilution, so companies may as well take advantage of this to raise cheap capital. On Thursday, Angela Barnes at Report on Business argued that cool ethanol stocks could be expected to heat up. While we are no fans of corn-ethanol, the slew of generous support schemes put in place by North American governments to support ethanol growth should eventually positively affect fundamentals. On Thursday, Jim Fraser at The Energy Blog told us that Japan had certified a new Toyota plug-in car for use on public roads. Toyota continues to raise the bar while the Big Three continue to hemorrhage North America market share – what’s new? On Thursday, Environmental Finance informed us that Banc of America was buying into carbon trading. Upwards and onwards for emissions trading in North America and for Climate Exchange PLC (CXCHF.PK). On Thursday, The Economist showed us where the wind blew. Remember that we’ve often told you to keep an eye on grid-related plays. On Friday, Peter Fairley at Technology Review argued that thin film’s time in the sun may be upon us. By looking at First Solar’s (NASDAQ:FSLR) share price has done over the past year, it certainly seems as though shareholders agree.