Disclosures and Disclaimer

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AltEnergyStocks.com is a website resource which, along with its related publications and other services (collectively, the “Website”), is edited and written by Mark Anderson, published by MDA Holdings LLC, and offered to the general public for informational purposes only and is presented as is and without warranty. Website visitors will receive the benefit of Mark Anderson’s commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and recommendations. The Website is impersonal and does not provide individualized advice or recommendations for any specific visitor or portfolio. The Editor hereby discloses that on the respective dates set forth below the Editor, directly or indirectly, owned the following securities which are the subject of the commentary, analysis, opinions, advice, or recommendations in, or which are otherwise mentioned on the Website. Securities Owned (Ticker) Compensation:

  1. Amazon.com Affiliate Program
  2. Google AdWords Program

Unless otherwise indicated above, all of these shares were acquired in market transactions. The Editor receives no direct or indirect compensation from any of the companies that are mentioned on the Website unless otherwise indicated above. The Editor has agreed not to buy or sell any of the above-listed securities within a minimum period of five trading days before or after making any new recommendation, or changing their published recommendation, regarding these securities on the Website (calculated from the date the Website featuring such recommendation is first posted on www.altenergystocks.com . After the expiration of this period of five trading days, the Editor may hold, buy or sell such securities, and may cease to own any of the securities listed above. Since the Editor’s personal investing goals and risk tolerance may be different from those discussed in the Website and/or circumstances may have changed by the expiration of the five day restricted period, the investment actions taken by the editor in the accounts the Editor directly or indirectly owns may vary from (and may even be contrary to) the advice and recommendations on the Website. Investing involves substantial risk. Neither the Editor, the publisher, nor any of their respective affiliates make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using the Website. While past performance may be analyzed in the Website, past performance should not be considered indicative of future performance. No visitor should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own personal financial advisor and conducting his or her own research and due diligence, including carefully reviewing the prospectus and other public filings of the issuer. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Editor, the publisher and their respective affiliates disclaim any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations on the Website prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses. The Website’s commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and recommendations represent the personal and subjective views of the Editor, and are subject to change at any time without notice. The information provided on the Website is obtained from sources which the Editor believes to be reliable. However, the Editor has not independently verified or otherwise investigated all such information. Neither the Editor, the publisher, nor any of their respective affiliates guarantees the accuracy or completeness of any such information. The Website is not a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any securities. Vistitors may submit questions to the Editor by e-mail to manderson@www.altenergystocks.com. However, since the Website is impersonal and does not provide individualized advice for specific visitors, the Editor can only answer questions of a general nature about the markets or specific securities. The Editor will make every effort to answer visitor questions on the Website (www.altenergystocks.com). Neither the Editor, the publisher, nor any of their respective affiliates is responsible for any errors or omissions on the Website. Last updated: 11/10/2004