Fuji Keizai Publishes Fuel Cell Technology and Market Report

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Market researcher Fuji Keizai announced November 16 that it has published a report on fuel cell technologies and future development of the full cell market. The report, forecasts that demand for PEFC (PEM fuel cells) for automobiles, SOFC (solid-oxide fuel cells), and micro fuel cells will reach $8.50 bil, $1.89 bil, $283.0 mil, respectively, in 2020. Including PAFC (phosphoric-acid fuel cells) and MCFC (molten carbonate fuel cells), the fuel cell market is expected to reach $2.67 bi in 2015 and $11.32 bil in 2020. The market growth forecasts provided in the report take such factors into account as environmental issues and the Japanese government’s measures to promote fuel cell development. [ more ]