RCAI Signs New Exclusive Distributorship Agreement with Topia Energy for Biodiesel

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rcaa_logo.gif Reclamation Consulting and Applications Inc (RCAA) announced that it has signed a new Exclusive Distributorship Agreement with Topia Energy, Inc. for the sale and distribution of biodiesel. Ottawa-based Topia Energy, Inc. is Canada’s largest commercial producer and supplier of biodiesel fuel oils with production capabilities throughout North America. Biodiesel is the only fuel to be classified as entirely non-toxic; it biodegrades faster than sugar, is ten times less toxic than table salt and produces exhaust that some say smell like popcorn or French fries. [ more ]


  1. According to Thestreet.com, the Clean Energy ETF ticker will be PBW and won’t start trading until mid Feb. I also saw a release date of Feb 23 on another article.

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