DoE Provides $310,000 Grant to ThermoEnergy to Begin Development of Zero-Air-Emission Industrial Power Plants

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Thermoenergy Corp. (TMEN.OB) announced the start of a $310,000 federally funded project to develop compact zero air emission power plants for medium to heavy industry. Commonly referred to as Combined Heat & Power (CHP) plants, these systems would allow main-stream industries to switch from natural gas to lower priced alternative fuels to supply their energy needs. Switching fuel sources could allow many companies to save hundreds of millions of dollars in energy costs, reduce air pollution, keep their US based plants operating, and lessen dependence on imported energy resources. [ more ]


  1. This company is attracting
    attention with its waste water and sludge to fuel technologies. I noticed they obtained a 7mil no bid contract with NYC last year.

  2. People dont know the impact this stock will have on the market in the near future. I’ve done tons of research and this company will be getting lots of contracts soon on their waste water side.


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