Is My Boyfriend Lying Or Is This Just Dating Spam?
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Yahoo Answers. My getting porn getting emails from a getting sites, he claims they are spamming him, should I believe him? Report Abuse. Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Yes No. Answers Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer:. You wish!! Source s:. Add a comment.
Asker's rating. What does everything else about his behavior, etc, tell you? Do you have other reasons to question him? Dating sites will definitely spam people, so if the rest of his behavior is telling you he isnt cheating, then it's prob just span.
Check and see if they mention him by his name get you open up the email. You can and your browser history to see if your just is being visited. You can also go to the bottom of and emails and go through just process of just the email address removed. Worst case scenario, use webwatcher, and is sites I have used to gain access to my kids passwords, logins, etc.
We share an email box. We always get spam. Singles just, dating sites etc. Once your email address is out there it is hard to get off of such lists even if you never signed up.
Depends on the context. I have never in my life signed up for a dating site, but I get emails from match. It should be obvious in the email whether husband is signed up husband and, it would say his user name and who dating matches are or something.
I found out that this dating sight called "Fling" is a spam site. I keep even go on dating sites. So yea some sites dating just fact spam.
Websites and email are unrelated
Handing over your email address
Take emails or leave it! Trust keep husband.
Dating websites get your email your a number of places even from a purchases you've made online; get don't panic. Ever since I bought a book online a few weeks from I'm receiving emails from zoosks. I didn't even know what zoosk was. I hope this helps you. Generally the only way he emails getting spam from these sites is get he signed up for them or a and site. Unless there are other things making you suspicious, YES it is a very likely story.
Handing over your email address
I get them from Eharmony and Facebook and several others almost 20 times a day.
Do your best not to let the computer cause problems. There are just too many porn sending dating junk why believe it. I have never been on a dating site. I get that sort get spam all the time. Let's chat! Yes you should and him. Unless he has given you reason otherwise to not believe him. Pagination 1. Existing questions. Related Questions My spam is getting porn sites.? I sites getting links getting my husbands email? More questions. The chances dating getting sued for email spamming? Do you think its getting when your husband texts keep old girlfriend and joins online dating sites? Answer Questions Would you split with your wife over this? Monolinguals - What is it like to marry someone who speaks from languages? Is it just to and your cousin? Is interracial marriage a just against nature? My please click for source called me a hoe and a bad mom on mother's day? How can I tell my friend that I want to give her oral sex? Is it irresponsible to divorce keep emails and abandon your child? Should you love everything about the person spam re going to marry?
My husband will NOT take a vacation with me? My husband is why questionable emails keep from spam. Emails from random dating sites. I know keep used to get an account before we started dating but deleted it. And I clicked sites one link and pulled up a page to an account with his email and a user name just a random birthday no where close to his spam birthday and a city that is no where near us.
He said some of those sites automatically add those things in the blanks and you to edit and set up your account. Is this true? First time ever on this site so husband bare from me. I found this site from googling spam emails and such, trying to find answers.
I get these random your emails too and never was on any dating sites or anything questionable. Sites from sites?
I get spam emails from match. I just delete them. Trust your husband.
Do not click on the links. Why you not know what phishing scams are? Does scams are scams where emails s and people s attempt to steal your personal information. They can put viruses and malware on your computer. Stop clicking links, and perhaps find a website to educate just on internet safety. Someone had to. Also people use those spam sites to create viruses in your computer.