Speed Dating Questions Team Building - Speed Dating and 4 Other Innovative Team Building Activities

Ice breakers for speed dating

Many people have a work experience they'd like to forget, such as a monotonous job or one that offered miserable working conditions. To break the ice, have each team member take a turn relating her most difficult work experience. This often humorous exercise can help your employees bond, and it also can provide some perspective regarding their current jobs. This can be an effective icebreaker for new employees who have just met.

Break the group into pairs and have each individual interview the other, much like on a television talk show. The goal is to find three interesting facts about the other person. The team members then reconvene as a group, and everyone takes turns presenting his partner's interesting facts to the group. This is another pair activity that helps with name recognition and learning more about each other. Each pair works together to use the letters of each individual's first name to describe something about him. This activity is similar to the concept of speed dating and is designed for all team members to have the opportunity to briefly meet each other. Divide the group in half, with on half seated in a row at a table. Each person on the other half of the team spends about three minutes talking individually to each of the seated members, who ask general questions such as name and background. When the three minutes are up, each individual moves to the next seated team member and repeats the process. This continues until all team members have met. Develop a question like, "What famous person would your like to be for a day?

Ice breaking speed dating questions

For the next round, have each person tell why she would want to be her person of choice. This activity helps everyone learn more about each other while lowering inhibitions. Chris Joseph writes for websites and online publications, covering business and technology. Skip to main content. Team image by Ewe Degiampietro from Fotolia.

Worst Job Experience Many people have a work experience they'd like to forget, such as a monotonous job or one that offered miserable working conditions. Talk Show This can be an effective icebreaker for new employees who have just met.

Name Meaning This is another pair activity that helps with name recognition and learning more about each other. Speed Meeting This activity is similar to the concept of speed dating and is designed for all team members to have the opportunity to briefly meet each other. Who Would You Be? References 3 Chart Your Course International:. About the Author Chris Joseph writes for websites and online publications, covering business and technology.

Speed dating

Ice breaking speed dating questions

Accessed 13 May. Joseph, Chris. Small Business - Chron. Retrieved from http:. Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name.