Efficiency and Renewable Energy Summit – February 21, 2008 – February 22, 2008

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The following is a Special Information Supplement from our Featured Company sponsor The Efficiency and Renewable Energy Summit The Efficiency and Renewable Energy Summit is a Two-Day Strategic Event that will focus on the Best and Most Effective Trends in Efficiency and Renewable Energy for the energy and utilities industries. As the nation works towards meeting the growing energy demands while maintaining security, energy independence and environmental protection, many industry participants are turning towards cleaner sources of energy. Some are looking at better ways of utilizing existing supplies of power producing material like coal and natural gas and others are embracing alternatives such as renewable energy technology. While the future landscape for the energy industry has yet to be determined it appears that a diversified portfolio of cleaner and safer means for the production of electricity is a realistic expectation. But while representatives of utilities, industry and consumer groups all agree that tapping renewable energy is an important and necessary goal, questions remain over the best way of ensuring such power reaches businesses and consumers in a reliable and cost-efficient manner. Many utilities understand that going green makes good business sense. Renewable energy can supplement their portfolio fuel mixes while allowing them to meet their contractual loads. Providing a valuable market service and better serving shareholders or stakeholders are compatiblesomething that about 200 utilities nationally of all types have discovered. Topics to be covered include: · Discovering new ways to implement renewable energy generation without disruption and increase efficiency · How renewable energy certificates and policies are changing the energy industry · Successful strategies for integrating hydroelectric power · Project management, operations and strategic planning for energy efficiency · Building the business case for buying renewable energy · A practical approach to wind integration · The potential role of biomass energy · Maximizing performance and efficiency with Solar energy · Strategies for Nuclear power use and their energy future · Eco-labeling: how to continue the “buzz” for renewable energy · Global Outlooks and markets for renewable energies · Concrete steps and concepts in developing geothermal energy · Utilities perspective on Ocean Power Projects · Contribution of renewable energies to climate protection · Evaluating the next wave of renewable energy concepts and technologies that will best serve your company and executing your strategy · The latest renewable energy projects, developments and regulations Reasons for Energy companies and professionals to attend: – keep up-to-date with the latest technological developments – network with suppliers, consumers, competitors and other key stakeholders within your industry – find new opportunities across a global platform – do your business deals by seeing the entire industry in one week and in one place – saving money, energy and carbon emissions This conference offers you the opportunity to meet your potential clients as well as the chance to reinforce your relationships with existing customers. ACI have put together a range of packages to suit all budgets and requirements. These range from branding options, to full scale partner solutions and can be tailored to meet your objectives and budgets. With opportunities such as drinks reception sponsorship, exhibition spaces, and options to sponsor round table groups and panel discussions there is certainly something to meet your needs. We will be happy to talk to you about the opportunities available, and to work with you to create a strategic platform for your organization. For more information please contact Elena Pitt at 312 780 0700 x208 or epitt@acius.net.


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