The Week In Cleantech August 26- August 31, 2007: Markets Closed for Blogger’s Wedding

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Last Week,

Jacques Diouf at Biofuel Review reminded us that biofuels are a great opportunity for the worlds poor.

James Fraser at The Energy Blog told us about Penn State’s new method of converting black liquor into DME for biofuel, and Green Car Congress, told us about the partnership which is exploring commercialization.

On Monday,

Tyler Hamilton at Clean Break told us about Vinod Khosla’s big bet on Concentrating Solar Power.  Excellent article, especially since Khosla slams half-measures that don’t make a big difference in the global warming problem.  He also said, "I think that (enhanced transmission) is absolutely key to all renewables."  If I had Khosla’s cash, I’d be putting big private equity money in CSP, too. 

Randy Udall, writing for ASPO-USA, analyzed the schizophrenic nature of the National Petroleum Council report.  

On Tuesday, 

Carlin Lee at The Daily Speculator told us to taste a sweet ERoEI with Cosan (NYSE: CZZ.)  

Larry Greenemeier at Scientific American told us about the Digitized Energy Storage Device, a type of ultracapacitor which may provide hybrid vehicles with power and improved efficiency.

On Wednesday,

Preston at Jetson Green picked out his Top Three Free Reports on Green Building Costs

On Friday,

Eric Stavitz of Barrons told us about rumors that LED maker Cree, Inc (CREE) might be bought out by GE (GE) or Phillips (PHG).  I wrote about the LED industry earlier this week.

Equity Green cracked us up with this video about that unnoticed miracle of life, coal.

On Saturday, our own Charles Morand got married. In possibly unrelated news, the US markets will be closed for three days.

DISCLOSURE: Tom Konrad and/or his clients have positions in CREE, GE, and PHG.

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