T. Boone Pickens on Larry King Live Thursday

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In the past 24 hours, there have been a flurry of opinions coming out on what a commanding Obama victory would mean for people’s portfolios. Alt energy investors certainly have reasons to be cautiously optimistic. T Boone Pickens, the famous Texas oilman turned clean energy cheerleader, and his Pickens Plan, are likely to have some influence on where President-elect Obama goes with his energy plan and alt energy policies. Pickens has been campaigning for his plan nearly as hard as the candidates have been campaigning for the White House, and his recent rapprochement with the Democratic Party was well-timed to be sure. If you haven’t kept a close eye on what Pickens has been up to, you can catch him tonight on Larry King Live. Some of the things he will talk about could well become areas of focus for the new President, which will be of great interest to alt energy investors.


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