Recent Momentum and a Direction for Alt Energy Stocks

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I want to share with you some of the positive developments we have had here at AltEnergyStocks over the last few months and give you and idea of where things are going for us. The changes we have seen are the result of Charles Morand and the quality content he has been delivering. Charles’ informative and insightful pieces have increased our readership and given us a lot of attention from the cleantech community. Each week, we receive communications that commend us for our stories, seek partnerships, inquire about our media availability, or bring news and information to our attention. These communications tell us that our voice is being heard, our message is valued, and that we are headed in the right direction. Thanks for your feedback and emails, we love hearing with you think, and it is important for us to set a course for the site. In addition to Charles’ contributions, we also appreciate the detailed and insightful posts of Neal Dikeman at Cleantech Blog. Our blog posts are increasingly being syndicated by Seeking Alpha and Yahoo Finance and mentioned by . You may notice that we are now Seeking Alpha Gold Certified and display their logo in our right hand navigation. More Quality Content – Editors Wanted Our goal is to grow and expand the delivery of quality content and we are looking for one or more editors to help us with that. We are looking for people who are passionate about cleantech and alternative energy and who have solid writing skills. While we are open to a variety of backgrounds, we could really use someone with a trading background to give us the short term perspective on investing in alternative energy and clean technologies. Sales Help Wanted We are also looking for sales help to grow the site. As you may have noticed, we are offering Featured Company advertising. As I am spending my time on software development and Charles is busy with content development, promoting Featured Company advertising is something we have not devoted time to. Promoting featured company advertising is ideally suited to someone with an understanding of both internet advertising sales and the cleantech industry. Please contact us for more information about becoming a writer for AltEnergyStocks or assisting us with advertising sales. Automated News Gathering In my first post here at AltEnergyStocks, I had mentioned a system of automated news gathering which brings together and organizes content from other cleantech and investment sites and blogs. This system is still to be implemented but has taken longer than expected. Unfortunately, the time lines I had set out in that post were not reached. Rather than set new time lines for this, I will just say that we are working on it and will try and get something out as soon as possible. I hope this gives you an idea of what has transpired here recently and the direction we are headed. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated as always.


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