The Week In Cleantech (Jun 15 to Jun 21) – Incentive Instability Rears Its Head Again In America

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On Sunday, Andrew Williams at Red, Green and Blue told us about one senator’s attacks on the solar industry. Surprising for someone from a state with such a vast solar potential, but in line my claim that politics remains one of the biggest risks facing the sector. On Monday, Lou Schwartz & Ryan Hodum at Renewable Energy World informed us that China’s wind power industry was blowing past expectations. An interesting discussion of the hot wind regions within China. On Tuesday, Neal at Cleantech Blog told us all about SpectraWatt, Intel’s new solar play. Just when you thought the sector was headed for a shakeout, in comes a player that promises to slash costs and focus on efficiency…oh yeah, and whose parent dominates the semiconductor industry. On Wednesday, David Ehrlich at told us that GE was fighting to keep its tax credits alive. And the PTC saga continues, and the US wind industry once again will have to hold off on making investments until this is reintroduced at the 11th hour. On Thursday, Jennifer Kho at Greentech Media reported on a plug-in hybrid that caught fire. As as pointed out in the article, it won’t take too many incidents like this to tarnish the brand. Could there ever be short opportunities here? On Friday, Green Data Center Blog informed us that Microsoft had launched a new blog for energy efficiency best practices. Given the importance of software and the tech space in general to implementing smart grid and other efficiency measures, this could be an interesting resource for finding out new trends. The Week In Cleantech is a collection of our favorite stories from the past week generated by our Cleantech News service. Register your site with us if you want your articles to appear here.


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